Kuang Tianyou (played by Yin Tianzhao) lives in the bustling city of modern Hong Kong with his "son" Kuang Fusheng (played by Zhang Guoquan), just like ordinary people. Few people know that their true identities are actually vampires. Sixty years ago, they were also bitten by a zombie king general (played by Ren Dahua), so they are immortal and rely on each other as father and son
Kuang Tianyou (played by Yin Tianzhao) lives in the bustling city of modern Hong Kong with his "son" Kuang Fusheng (played by Zhang Guoquan), just like ordinary people. Few people know that their true identities are actually vampires. Sixty years ago, they were also bitten by a zombie king general (played by Ren Dahua), so they are immortal and rely on each other as father and son