Since 2001, Kuang Tianyou (played by Yin Tianzhao), Ma Xiaoling (played by Wan Qiwen), and their group of friends successfully prevented the crisis of N ü wa's extinction, the world has spent three years of peace. However, the last goddess in the world, Lady Yaochi (played by Chen Wei), in order to regain the embrace of Wang Fuxi (played by Zheng Haonan), unexpectedly
Since 2001, Kuang Tianyou (played by Yin Tianzhao), Ma Xiaoling (played by Wan Qiwen), and their group of friends successfully prevented the crisis of N ü wa's extinction, the world has spent three years of peace. However, the last goddess in the world, Lady Yaochi (played by Chen Wei), in order to regain the embrace of Wang Fuxi (played by Zheng Haonan), unexpectedly