During the graduation season, the best friends from the performance departments of four prestigious universities each aspire to enter society. Huizhi (played by Park Han sung) spends his days indulging in beauty and nail art, deceiving everyone to enjoy themselves in a timely manner, but unintentionally becomes an advertising sensation. Liu Min (played by Yin Enhui) decides to break up with her senior boyfriend because of his stinginess and narrow-minded attitude
During the graduation season, the best friends from the performance departments of four prestigious universities each aspire to enter society. Huizhi (played by Park Han sung) spends his days indulging in beauty and nail art, deceiving everyone to enjoy themselves in a timely manner, but unintentionally becomes an advertising sensation. Liu Min (played by Yin Enhui) decides to break up with her senior boyfriend because of his stinginess and narrow-minded attitude