As night shrouded New York, it once again turned into a city plagued by rampant crime. Chinese police officer Huang Billy (played by Jackie Chan) and his colleagues come to a bar to celebrate their 10th anniversary in the United States. Unexpectedly, their colleague is killed by a group of robbers who break in. Angry Billy brings the culprit to justice, which angers his superiors. He is sent to the tycoon Shapiro as a punishment
As night shrouded New York, it once again turned into a city plagued by rampant crime. Chinese police officer Huang Billy (played by Jackie Chan) and his colleagues come to a bar to celebrate their 10th anniversary in the United States. Unexpectedly, their colleague is killed by a group of robbers who break in. Angry Billy brings the culprit to justice, which angers his superiors. He is sent to the tycoon Shapiro as a punishment