Former spy of the North Korean Reconnaissance Bureau, Yan Tieyu (played by Zheng Yusheng), was summoned to the Kaesong Industrial Park located on the border between North and South Korea to assassinate a North Korean high-ranking official attempting a coup. Unexpectedly, he was attacked in Kaesong, forcing him to flee to South Korea with his critically injured and unconscious North Korean leader. The situation suddenly changed, and the Korean Peninsula stood on the brink of nuclear war,
Former spy of the North Korean Reconnaissance Bureau, Yan Tieyu (played by Zheng Yusheng), was summoned to the Kaesong Industrial Park located on the border between North and South Korea to assassinate a North Korean high-ranking official attempting a coup. Unexpectedly, he was attacked in Kaesong, forcing him to flee to South Korea with his critically injured and unconscious North Korean leader. The situation suddenly changed, and the Korean Peninsula stood on the brink of nuclear war,