A man named Genji (played by Takashi Abe), also known as Hohara Shiheko (played by Yuki Aoi), lives a cohabitation life. Although living under the same roof, there is no romantic relationship between Shiwako and Senji. Shihezi detests the vulgarity and cowardice of Zhen Zhi, and even though she is insulted and despised by Shihezi, Zhen Zhi still deeply cares for her
A man named Genji (played by Takashi Abe), also known as Hohara Shiheko (played by Yuki Aoi), lives a cohabitation life. Although living under the same roof, there is no romantic relationship between Shiwako and Senji. Shihezi detests the vulgarity and cowardice of Zhen Zhi, and even though she is insulted and despised by Shihezi, Zhen Zhi still deeply cares for her