Mi Xiang (played by Tao Hong), who lives in Aba, Sichuan, was abandoned by her husband and lives alone with her silly son (played by Yang Qing). Ma Jinhua (played by Wang Jinghua) from the same village asked her to go to a small coal mine in the north to find a bachelor to marry, because the miners would compensate a considerable amount of compensation in case of an accident. Mi Xiang traveled a thousand miles north to Henan, in a small town
Mi Xiang (played by Tao Hong), who lives in Aba, Sichuan, was abandoned by her husband and lives alone with her silly son (played by Yang Qing). Ma Jinhua (played by Wang Jinghua) from the same village asked her to go to a small coal mine in the north to find a bachelor to marry, because the miners would compensate a considerable amount of compensation in case of an accident. Mi Xiang traveled a thousand miles north to Henan, in a small town