Curse Web: OL Yoshida Misaki (played by Hisashi Sasaki), who has been harshly scolded by her superiors in the workplace, accidentally discovers a cursed website. With a playful and curious attitude, she inputs her superiors name, but to her surprise, the curse actually comes true. Misaki, who is sinking deeper and deeper, is tightly bound by greed and insatiable desires both physically and mentally; Oil Comes Out Economy
Curse Web: OL Yoshida Misaki (played by Hisashi Sasaki), who has been harshly scolded by her superiors in the workplace, accidentally discovers a cursed website. With a playful and curious attitude, she inputs her superiors name, but to her surprise, the curse actually comes true. Misaki, who is sinking deeper and deeper, is tightly bound by greed and insatiable desires both physically and mentally; Oil Comes Out Economy