Seimei Kuroda (played by Naosu Matsushita), a popular female writer who gained fame and fortune in "Possession," was invited to attend the wedding banquet of her high school classmate and Kawakami Sadako (played by Noriko Nakano). However, in that eerie and eerie hotel, she experienced a terrifying experience; Guessing Fists: A New Employee at a Construction Company, Kensuke Makita (Haruma Miura)
Seimei Kuroda (played by Naosu Matsushita), a popular female writer who gained fame and fortune in "Possession," was invited to attend the wedding banquet of her high school classmate and Kawakami Sadako (played by Noriko Nakano). However, in that eerie and eerie hotel, she experienced a terrifying experience; Guessing Fists: A New Employee at a Construction Company, Kensuke Makita (Haruma Miura)