During the Meiji period, the man who inherited his parents' inheritance, Nanda Shouyi (played by Liu Youlian), lived a carefree life. His wife, Douzi (played by Gongdi Zhenxu), is beautiful and elegant, with an extraordinary temperament. However, the relationship between husband and wife seems to be not harmonious, and taking a wife is almost crazy and almost crazy; Duzi harbors fear towards her husband
During the Meiji period, the man who inherited his parents' inheritance, Nanda Shouyi (played by Liu Youlian), lived a carefree life. His wife, Douzi (played by Gongdi Zhenxu), is beautiful and elegant, with an extraordinary temperament. However, the relationship between husband and wife seems to be not harmonious, and taking a wife is almost crazy and almost crazy; Duzi harbors fear towards her husband