The movie tells the story of a young man in the world of Shan Hai Jing who inherits the abilities of the auspicious beast Dangkang, protects the people under the guidance of Bai Ze, and eliminates pests for the people. Introduction: It tells the story of a troubled orphan who was raised by the auspicious beast Dang Kang. With the "Dang Kang power" taught by the auspicious beast, he wandered the rivers and lakes alone, exploring "Dang."
The movie tells the story of a young man in the world of Shan Hai Jing who inherits the abilities of the auspicious beast Dangkang, protects the people under the guidance of Bai Ze, and eliminates pests for the people. Introduction: It tells the story of a troubled orphan who was raised by the auspicious beast Dang Kang. With the "Dang Kang power" taught by the auspicious beast, he wandered the rivers and lakes alone, exploring "Dang."