The mountain ranger Xinlan (played by Xiaoxun), full of a sense of justice, feels powerless and determined to leave this place due to the mundane work. But Ade (played by Suda), who used to be a mouse in the Thief of the Wood Mountain, persistently persuades Xinlan to go up the mountain with his hunter friend Dumas (played by Sakinu) and retrieve the precious cypress wood he had secretly hidden before. 3 people
The mountain ranger Xinlan (played by Xiaoxun), full of a sense of justice, feels powerless and determined to leave this place due to the mundane work. But Ade (played by Suda), who used to be a mouse in the Thief of the Wood Mountain, persistently persuades Xinlan to go up the mountain with his hunter friend Dumas (played by Sakinu) and retrieve the precious cypress wood he had secretly hidden before. 3 people