Hong Wengang (played by Louis Koo), the main brain of a group that resells human organs, has suffered from severe heart disease. In order to survive, he even plans to take the heart of his younger brother Hong Wenbiao (played by Gong Shuoliang). Zhijie (played by Wu Jing), who is addicted to drugs in order to complete his undercover work, follows his boss to the dock to kidnap Hong Wenbiao, who is trying to escape. His boss
Hong Wengang (played by Louis Koo), the main brain of a group that resells human organs, has suffered from severe heart disease. In order to survive, he even plans to take the heart of his younger brother Hong Wenbiao (played by Gong Shuoliang). Zhijie (played by Wu Jing), who is addicted to drugs in order to complete his undercover work, follows his boss to the dock to kidnap Hong Wenbiao, who is trying to escape. His boss