The movie "One Day, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One. Adapted from the original work of Shinichi Watanabe, Oizumi plays Yasumi Kano, who suffers from muscular dystrophy. At the age of 12, he persists in living in his own home and strives for independence until his death at the age of 42. Haruma Miura plays medical student Tanaka and Takahata Takahata from Hokkaido
The movie "One Day, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One Night, One. Adapted from the original work of Shinichi Watanabe, Oizumi plays Yasumi Kano, who suffers from muscular dystrophy. At the age of 12, he persists in living in his own home and strives for independence until his death at the age of 42. Haruma Miura plays medical student Tanaka and Takahata Takahata from Hokkaido