A power outage disrupted the lives of three ordinary people. The optimistic young Zhou Gangkang (played by Zhou Jialuo), the disappointed female screenwriter Li Xiangwen (played by Jiang Jiamin), and the irritable Zheng Zhong (played by Zheng Zicheng) have all become delivery drivers for their daily lives. The three of them have their own aspirations, but they are in a difficult situation due to a power outage. Just as the road ahead is vast
A power outage disrupted the lives of three ordinary people. The optimistic young Zhou Gangkang (played by Zhou Jialuo), the disappointed female screenwriter Li Xiangwen (played by Jiang Jiamin), and the irritable Zheng Zhong (played by Zheng Zicheng) have all become delivery drivers for their daily lives. The three of them have their own aspirations, but they are in a difficult situation due to a power outage. Just as the road ahead is vast