De Guang Sentaro is an ordinary high school boy who currently lives alone due to his parents' work relationship. One day, there was a lovely girl named Feiyu lying on the balcony of his residence. She claimed to be an angel and came to the human world to learn about human affairs under the command of the gods! Moritaro is half believing and half skeptical... In addition, high school classmate Kozuru seems to be interested in Moritaro
De Guang Sentaro is an ordinary high school boy who currently lives alone due to his parents' work relationship. One day, there was a lovely girl named Feiyu lying on the balcony of his residence. She claimed to be an angel and came to the human world to learn about human affairs under the command of the gods! Moritaro is half believing and half skeptical... In addition, high school classmate Kozuru seems to be interested in Moritaro