Independent new woman Yang Zhihua (played by Dong Jie), in pursuit of new ideas, left home to study sociology at Shanghai University, where many progressive young people gathered. She met Cai Hesen and his wife Xiang Jingyu. Qu Qiubai (played by Dou Xiao), who was then the head of the Sociology Department at Shanghai University, had a great reputation. Yang Zhihua felt the depth of his teaching
Independent new woman Yang Zhihua (played by Dong Jie), in pursuit of new ideas, left home to study sociology at Shanghai University, where many progressive young people gathered. She met Cai Hesen and his wife Xiang Jingyu. Qu Qiubai (played by Dou Xiao), who was then the head of the Sociology Department at Shanghai University, had a great reputation. Yang Zhihua felt the depth of his teaching