"The Disaster of Nanxiong Qi" is a live action film adapted from the original manga of Masao Monday, directed and written by Yuichi Fukuda. Starring Kenji Yamazaki, Huana Hashimoto, Hirobumi Shinai, and Ryu Yoshizawa, it was released in Japan on October 21, 2017. The movie "Nanxiong Qi's Disaster" is adapted from Masao
"The Disaster of Nanxiong Qi" is a live action film adapted from the original manga of Masao Monday, directed and written by Yuichi Fukuda. Starring Kenji Yamazaki, Huana Hashimoto, Hirobumi Shinai, and Ryu Yoshizawa, it was released in Japan on October 21, 2017. The movie "Nanxiong Qi's Disaster" is adapted from Masao