Komin (played by Yang Gongru) is a radio anchor and hosts a late night emotional interaction program. Ke Min's husband, Li Mu (played by Tang Wenlong), runs a company. They have been married for many years, and their originally full passion has already turned into a mundane one. Shen Kuo (played by Chi Shuai) and his girlfriend Qin Su (played by Zhou Lingnan) are in a romantic relationship
Komin (played by Yang Gongru) is a radio anchor and hosts a late night emotional interaction program. Ke Min's husband, Li Mu (played by Tang Wenlong), runs a company. They have been married for many years, and their originally full passion has already turned into a mundane one. Shen Kuo (played by Chi Shuai) and his girlfriend Qin Su (played by Zhou Lingnan) are in a romantic relationship