The Legend of the Monkey King: The Reborn Demon King
Animated Movie
Animated Movie
Wang Yunfei
China Mainland
Mandarin Chinese
At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world descended, named Yuandi (voiced by Zhang Lei), and was revered as the demon ancestor. Millions of years later, the former demon king Sun Wukong (voiced by Bianjiang) was rescued from the foot of the Five Elements Mountain by Tang Sanzang (played by Su Shangqing). Wukong agreed to protect Tang Sanzang and went to the West to obtain scriptures. And the legendary demon ancestor Yuanti reappears once again
At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world descended, named Yuandi (voiced by Zhang Lei), and was revered as the demon ancestor. Millions of years later, the former demon king Sun Wukong (voiced by Bianjiang) was rescued from the foot of the Five Elements Mountain by Tang Sanzang (played by Su Shangqing). Wukong agreed to protect Tang Sanzang and went to the West to obtain scriptures. And the legendary demon ancestor Yuanti reappears once again