In the damp and bustling metropolis, Yan Shu (played by Zheng Youmei) and her underage sister Xiujing (played by Jin Sailun) rely on each other for survival. Xiujing lost her hearing due to an accident in her early years. Feeling guilty, Yanshu carried the heavy responsibility of raising her sister to adulthood and devoted herself to taking care of Xiujing's clothing, food, housing, and transportation. For a period of time, there were women in the city
In the damp and bustling metropolis, Yan Shu (played by Zheng Youmei) and her underage sister Xiujing (played by Jin Sailun) rely on each other for survival. Xiujing lost her hearing due to an accident in her early years. Feeling guilty, Yanshu carried the heavy responsibility of raising her sister to adulthood and devoted herself to taking care of Xiujing's clothing, food, housing, and transportation. For a period of time, there were women in the city