"The Master of Drama" tells the story of a dramatic battle between the two martial arts schools of Yin and Yang, both inside and outside Shanhaiguan, in the early years of the Republic of China, due to a rumored book called "The Book of Heaven's Luck" that could change one's destiny against the heavens. The film is based on Eastern classical drama, with Yin Tianzhao playing Jiang Beihai from the Yang Gate and Zhang Chunzhong playing Huang Xianshou from the Yin Gate. The two of them
"The Master of Drama" tells the story of a dramatic battle between the two martial arts schools of Yin and Yang, both inside and outside Shanhaiguan, in the early years of the Republic of China, due to a rumored book called "The Book of Heaven's Luck" that could change one's destiny against the heavens. The film is based on Eastern classical drama, with Yin Tianzhao playing Jiang Beihai from the Yang Gate and Zhang Chunzhong playing Huang Xianshou from the Yin Gate. The two of them