Adapted from the popular manga of the same name by Cangke Liao. In the flower street of Shinrakaka, the actor's illegitimate son, Kizunosuke, has been living at the home of the female owner of the material pavilion, Chenji, and practicing strict shamisen cultivation. At the age of 18, Kiyosuke was about to break out of his own world, so he left the material pavilion and began his journey of practicing as a Sanwei line pole master
Adapted from the popular manga of the same name by Cangke Liao. In the flower street of Shinrakaka, the actor's illegitimate son, Kizunosuke, has been living at the home of the female owner of the material pavilion, Chenji, and practicing strict shamisen cultivation. At the age of 18, Kiyosuke was about to break out of his own world, so he left the material pavilion and began his journey of practicing as a Sanwei line pole master