Xu Decai (played by Li Mengnan), a senior executive of a certain real estate group, was forced to flee. The female boss Zhao Bing (played by Sun Ning), who has an ambiguous relationship with him, demands that he take the blame and gives him two choices: one is to escape, and the other is to die. During Xu Decai's escape, he met his former friend Wang Xiaobing (played by Pan Binlong) who lent money to his daughter for medical treatment. Subsequently, Wang
Xu Decai (played by Li Mengnan), a senior executive of a certain real estate group, was forced to flee. The female boss Zhao Bing (played by Sun Ning), who has an ambiguous relationship with him, demands that he take the blame and gives him two choices: one is to escape, and the other is to die. During Xu Decai's escape, he met his former friend Wang Xiaobing (played by Pan Binlong) who lent money to his daughter for medical treatment. Subsequently, Wang