"New Ultraman" is a film jointly produced by Taniya Corporation, Toho Corporation, and Khara, and distributed by Toho Corporation. The film is produced and written by Hideaki Anno, with Shinji Higuchi serving as the chief director and stunt director. It stars Kongo Saito, Yamei Nagasawa, and Hideyoshi Nishijima, and was released on May 13, 2022
"New Ultraman" is a film jointly produced by Taniya Corporation, Toho Corporation, and Khara, and distributed by Toho Corporation. The film is produced and written by Hideaki Anno, with Shinji Higuchi serving as the chief director and stunt director. It stars Kongo Saito, Yamei Nagasawa, and Hideyoshi Nishijima, and was released on May 13, 2022