"Weekly Youth Daily" serialized "Gu Guan Chun Yi Yi Man Man Han Han Hua Hua Hua Hua Hua Hua", 2014 system broadcast "ハよよるコミックをアニメセ The theatrical version of ュー. The second part of the compilation of 25 parts of the complete system, which includes the addition of new regulations and the production of two parts. Miyagi
"Weekly Youth Daily" serialized "Gu Guan Chun Yi Yi Man Man Han Han Hua Hua Hua Hua Hua Hua", 2014 system broadcast "ハよよるコミックをアニメセ The theatrical version of ュー. The second part of the compilation of 25 parts of the complete system, which includes the addition of new regulations and the production of two parts. Miyagi