Tian Jialiang (played by Sun Jian) is a rebellious and passionate person who never takes women seriously. One day, Tian Jialiang and his close friend Bi Shouxin (played by Ma Guoming) were hanging out together trying to pick up girls, but they were threatened by a woman named Zhou Dantong (played by Lin Ruixi). Not only did the girls not get married, but they also lost face
Tian Jialiang (played by Sun Jian) is a rebellious and passionate person who never takes women seriously. One day, Tian Jialiang and his close friend Bi Shouxin (played by Ma Guoming) were hanging out together trying to pick up girls, but they were threatened by a woman named Zhou Dantong (played by Lin Ruixi). Not only did the girls not get married, but they also lost face