27-year-old Shotaro Tarui (played by Tomoyoshi Ono) from Yamaguchi Prefecture has aspired to become a superhero since childhood. But the real world is extremely cruel. Shotaro, who relies on being a tokusatsu actor, is fired by his boss. He has no choice but to seek refuge with his senior at university, Ichiki Kato (played by Takata Sato), and makes a living by selling roasted sweet potatoes. One day, he
27-year-old Shotaro Tarui (played by Tomoyoshi Ono) from Yamaguchi Prefecture has aspired to become a superhero since childhood. But the real world is extremely cruel. Shotaro, who relies on being a tokusatsu actor, is fired by his boss. He has no choice but to seek refuge with his senior at university, Ichiki Kato (played by Takata Sato), and makes a living by selling roasted sweet potatoes. One day, he