The story takes place in a small city far from the metropolis. The idle young man, Tatsuo Sato (played by Kono Ayano), once worked in a mine, but after witnessing an accident, he chose to flee. In his daily life, he travels around various corners of the city until one day he meets a young man named Takahiro Okagi (played by Kanda Masahiro) at a small steel ball shop
The story takes place in a small city far from the metropolis. The idle young man, Tatsuo Sato (played by Kono Ayano), once worked in a mine, but after witnessing an accident, he chose to flee. In his daily life, he travels around various corners of the city until one day he meets a young man named Takahiro Okagi (played by Kanda Masahiro) at a small steel ball shop