"The Universe at Fingertips" is a growth story mainly centered around a solitary girl named Yaki Yoshikawa. The list of lead actors is as follows: Toshihiro Kirishima, who has previously performed "Soft and Soft Objects," will play the female protagonist Yaki Yoshikawa, and Ryo Kitamura, who has previously appeared in the stage play "Fast Home", will play the male protagonist Kanji. Due to her resemblance to Huana Hashimoto
"The Universe at Fingertips" is a growth story mainly centered around a solitary girl named Yaki Yoshikawa. The list of lead actors is as follows: Toshihiro Kirishima, who has previously performed "Soft and Soft Objects," will play the female protagonist Yaki Yoshikawa, and Ryo Kitamura, who has previously appeared in the stage play "Fast Home", will play the male protagonist Kanji. Due to her resemblance to Huana Hashimoto