Detective Shanyu, who was suspended from duty, had a good grasp of catching traitors and decided to take on a side job, specifically providing services for catching traitors. Three days later, as a deputy, he took on a new case. Unexpectedly, two corpses from the scene were waiting for him, and the only eyewitness was the wife of one of the deceased - Xiuzhen. [Not just New Shadow] Shanyu Moment
Detective Shanyu, who was suspended from duty, had a good grasp of catching traitors and decided to take on a side job, specifically providing services for catching traitors. Three days later, as a deputy, he took on a new case. Unexpectedly, two corpses from the scene were waiting for him, and the only eyewitness was the wife of one of the deceased - Xiuzhen. [Not just New Shadow] Shanyu Moment