The four panel manga "Xiangyang Sketches" created by Teacher Cang Shumei, in collaboration with the production team of Xinfang and SHAFT, revolves around the four children of Xiangyang, including Yoshino, Komiya, Xun, and Sha Ying. The animation has successfully aired for the third season at the beginning of this year, and as always, the cuteness of the four children has shone brightly in the animation, making it worth promoting
The four panel manga "Xiangyang Sketches" created by Teacher Cang Shumei, in collaboration with the production team of Xinfang and SHAFT, revolves around the four children of Xiangyang, including Yoshino, Komiya, Xun, and Sha Ying. The animation has successfully aired for the third season at the beginning of this year, and as always, the cuteness of the four children has shone brightly in the animation, making it worth promoting