Xiang Haoting (played by Song Weien), the campus bully of Renren High School, creates a romantic love story with a woman who meets a high school student named Yu Xigu (played by Huang Junzhi). Sun Boxiang (played by Liu Weichen), a passionate young man, falls in love at first sight. Lu Zhigang (played by Zhang Hanyuan) staged a brave pursuit of sweet first love
Xiang Haoting (played by Song Weien), the campus bully of Renren High School, creates a romantic love story with a woman who meets a high school student named Yu Xigu (played by Huang Junzhi). Sun Boxiang (played by Liu Weichen), a passionate young man, falls in love at first sight. Lu Zhigang (played by Zhang Hanyuan) staged a brave pursuit of sweet first love