The idol drama "Douyu" is adapted from "Little Daisy" by Taiwanese writer Luo Xin. For Pei Yuyan (played by An Yixuan), who attends a girls' school and has strict tutoring, life is a series of regular plans, and everything is a pre arranged template. Until encountering a group of thugs surrounding a young man named Yu Hao (played by Guo Pinchao)
The idol drama "Douyu" is adapted from "Little Daisy" by Taiwanese writer Luo Xin. For Pei Yuyan (played by An Yixuan), who attends a girls' school and has strict tutoring, life is a series of regular plans, and everything is a pre arranged template. Until encountering a group of thugs surrounding a young man named Yu Hao (played by Guo Pinchao)