"Plant Theater" is a 2016 Taiwanese unit drama directed by Golden Horse Golden Bell directors Wang Xiaodi, Cai Liangliang, Chen Yuxun, Qu Youning, Wang Mingtai, Xu Jiehui, Xu Fujun, and An Zheyi. Eight directors have invested in the talent cultivation of 24 new actors, and invited Yang Chenglin, Wu Kangren, Lan Zhenglong, and other Golden Bell actresses to jointly participate in "Plant Drama"
"Plant Theater" is a 2016 Taiwanese unit drama directed by Golden Horse Golden Bell directors Wang Xiaodi, Cai Liangliang, Chen Yuxun, Qu Youning, Wang Mingtai, Xu Jiehui, Xu Fujun, and An Zheyi. Eight directors have invested in the talent cultivation of 24 new actors, and invited Yang Chenglin, Wu Kangren, Lan Zhenglong, and other Golden Bell actresses to jointly participate in "Plant Drama"