"Flavor Origin: Yunnan" is a regional food documentary produced by Tencent Video and jointly produced by Inai Media and Penguin Film and Television. It is exclusively broadcasted online by Tencent Video. As the second part of the documentary series, "Yunnan, the Origin of Flavors" aims to explore a unique Yunnan cuisine that is "unknown to those raised in the depths of the boudoir" through each episode of the short film
"Flavor Origin: Yunnan" is a regional food documentary produced by Tencent Video and jointly produced by Inai Media and Penguin Film and Television. It is exclusively broadcasted online by Tencent Video. As the second part of the documentary series, "Yunnan, the Origin of Flavors" aims to explore a unique Yunnan cuisine that is "unknown to those raised in the depths of the boudoir" through each episode of the short film