"Diaoyue" is a large-scale documentary about craftsmen produced by iQiyi, which records the stories of craftsmen with the spirit of craftsmanship. The first season consists of eight episodes, including "Tenon and Mouth", "Yao Bian", "Carving God", "Han Carving", "Ancient Paper", "Embroidery Color", "Pinching Sculpture", and "Tea Ghost Tea", which were released on June 1, 2017
"Diaoyue" is a large-scale documentary about craftsmen produced by iQiyi, which records the stories of craftsmen with the spirit of craftsmanship. The first season consists of eight episodes, including "Tenon and Mouth", "Yao Bian", "Carving God", "Han Carving", "Ancient Paper", "Embroidery Color", "Pinching Sculpture", and "Tea Ghost Tea", which were released on June 1, 2017