A series of character documentaries produced by Tencent News Haoyu Zhishi Studio. The program invites important figures from different fields in the Chinese world - Yuan Longping, Shu Qi, Chen Qigang, Wu Yifan, Zhang Xiaogang, Deng Yaping, Wang Jingchun, and Zhang Weili - to get as close to their daily lives as possible. Through authentic records and in-depth interviews, the program will
A series of character documentaries produced by Tencent News Haoyu Zhishi Studio. The program invites important figures from different fields in the Chinese world - Yuan Longping, Shu Qi, Chen Qigang, Wu Yifan, Zhang Xiaogang, Deng Yaping, Wang Jingchun, and Zhang Weili - to get as close to their daily lives as possible. Through authentic records and in-depth interviews, the program will