The story begins with the reincarnation of two strands of immortal souls, one righteous and one evil, from the Heavenly Emperor to the mortal world. One strand of soul transforms into a god of war, but it can dig its heart and never die; A wisp of soul transformed into a cloud wasteland and was imprisoned by the underworld king in the Demon Clan's Youyun Hell for a hundred years, suffering from the torment of soul devouring nails every day. One after another, conspiracies and trickery followed, guiding two strands of spirit to kill each other. Divine beasts ride on the yellow and lack agility
The story begins with the reincarnation of two strands of immortal souls, one righteous and one evil, from the Heavenly Emperor to the mortal world. One strand of soul transforms into a god of war, but it can dig its heart and never die; A wisp of soul transformed into a cloud wasteland and was imprisoned by the underworld king in the Demon Clan's Youyun Hell for a hundred years, suffering from the torment of soul devouring nails every day. One after another, conspiracies and trickery followed, guiding two strands of spirit to kill each other. Divine beasts ride on the yellow and lack agility