The Gods of Work is a moonfire series broadcast by KBS in South Korea since April 1, 2013. It is adapted from the 2007 Japanese drama The Character of Dispatchers, written by Yin Lanzhong, the writer of Huameinan Lamian Noodles Shop, and co created by director Quan Changgen, the director of Our Women. Jin Huixiu, Wu Zhihao, Zheng Youmei, and Li
The Gods of Work is a moonfire series broadcast by KBS in South Korea since April 1, 2013. It is adapted from the 2007 Japanese drama The Character of Dispatchers, written by Yin Lanzhong, the writer of Huameinan Lamian Noodles Shop, and co created by director Quan Changgen, the director of Our Women. Jin Huixiu, Wu Zhihao, Zheng Youmei, and Li