"The Return of the Snake" mainly tells the story of the male protagonist Ren Jie (played by Lai Yi) who signs up for a live action game on a deserted island to win a million dollar prize in order to raise money for his terminally ill son's treatment. He plays alongside the mysterious beauty of white-collar worker Naga (played by Xin Jue), outdated anchor Chu Tiantian (played by Li Yun), convenience store clerk Liang Hai, and middle-aged man
"The Return of the Snake" mainly tells the story of the male protagonist Ren Jie (played by Lai Yi) who signs up for a live action game on a deserted island to win a million dollar prize in order to raise money for his terminally ill son's treatment. He plays alongside the mysterious beauty of white-collar worker Naga (played by Xin Jue), outdated anchor Chu Tiantian (played by Li Yun), convenience store clerk Liang Hai, and middle-aged man