The novel "The New Biography of the Baggy Monk" revolves around the story of Maitreya Buddha, which is widely circulated among the people. The drama is divided into multiple units, including Lotus Blossoming, Mysterious Heart Calamity, Immortal Couple Fate, and Relic Calamity. It tells the story of Maitreya Buddha's reincarnation and cultivation in the human world. The Maitreya Buddha in the previous life of the Bu Bag Monk had a wild and unrestrained nature, disregarding all rules and regulations, and particularly disliked it
The novel "The New Biography of the Baggy Monk" revolves around the story of Maitreya Buddha, which is widely circulated among the people. The drama is divided into multiple units, including Lotus Blossoming, Mysterious Heart Calamity, Immortal Couple Fate, and Relic Calamity. It tells the story of Maitreya Buddha's reincarnation and cultivation in the human world. The Maitreya Buddha in the previous life of the Bu Bag Monk had a wild and unrestrained nature, disregarding all rules and regulations, and particularly disliked it