The story takes place ten years ago, when Jiang Chong (played by Lv Songxian) unexpectedly missed a god of food competition and became a diving coach under his own name. Kuan Shao is very angry about Jiang Chong's behavior and has always held a grudge against him. Ten years later, Kuan Shao (played by Shao Chuanyong) faced the dilemma of the store closing down due to Jiang Chong's departure.
The story takes place ten years ago, when Jiang Chong (played by Lv Songxian) unexpectedly missed a god of food competition and became a diving coach under his own name. Kuan Shao is very angry about Jiang Chong's behavior and has always held a grudge against him. Ten years later, Kuan Shao (played by Shao Chuanyong) faced the dilemma of the store closing down due to Jiang Chong's departure.