The self-produced online drama "Da Xia Ri Tian" jointly produced by Sohu Video and Feiyu Entertainment tells the story of Liu Ri Tian, a young man who lives on the street by sticking films and selling DVDs all day long. Everyone knows that he is a kung fu enthusiast who has to practice martial arts every morning and night, completely living in his own small world. In an accidental event, Liu Ritian's
The self-produced online drama "Da Xia Ri Tian" jointly produced by Sohu Video and Feiyu Entertainment tells the story of Liu Ri Tian, a young man who lives on the street by sticking films and selling DVDs all day long. Everyone knows that he is a kung fu enthusiast who has to practice martial arts every morning and night, completely living in his own small world. In an accidental event, Liu Ritian's