At the beginning of the story, the beloved concubine Feng Miaolian (played by Yuan Zhongfang) and the beloved Kaya (played by Guo Jiahao) flee, while the emperor of a country, Li Huan (played by Ji Chen), arrives wearing armor and a ponytail. Shaoqing and his companions were caught up by the emperor, and Kaya died tragically under the sharp blade. The heartbroken Miaolian was not afraid of the emperor's coercion
At the beginning of the story, the beloved concubine Feng Miaolian (played by Yuan Zhongfang) and the beloved Kaya (played by Guo Jiahao) flee, while the emperor of a country, Li Huan (played by Ji Chen), arrives wearing armor and a ponytail. Shaoqing and his companions were caught up by the emperor, and Kaya died tragically under the sharp blade. The heartbroken Miaolian was not afraid of the emperor's coercion