The story is adapted from the popular Japanese manga "Social Animal People" and tells the story of the band's lead singer Yang Ke (played by Liu Chang) who unfortunately becomes a social animal in a unscrupulous advertising company after failing to make his debut. With the "special care" of his quirky boss Ye Shouyu (played by Huai Wen), his colleague Lin Kaixin (played by Wen Sheng) delays his progress, and Da
The story is adapted from the popular Japanese manga "Social Animal People" and tells the story of the band's lead singer Yang Ke (played by Liu Chang) who unfortunately becomes a social animal in a unscrupulous advertising company after failing to make his debut. With the "special care" of his quirky boss Ye Shouyu (played by Huai Wen), his colleague Lin Kaixin (played by Wen Sheng) delays his progress, and Da