After quelling the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, Emperor Jing of Han (played by Jiao Huang) began to solve the kingdom problem and cut down feudal domains to strengthen centralization. The well governed Emperor Jing of Han followed Huang Lao's policy of inaction, but the newly stable Western Han Dynasty had to endure humiliation and maintain border security through reconciliation in the face of the powerful invasion of the Xiongnu. Emperor Jing passed away
After quelling the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, Emperor Jing of Han (played by Jiao Huang) began to solve the kingdom problem and cut down feudal domains to strengthen centralization. The well governed Emperor Jing of Han followed Huang Lao's policy of inaction, but the newly stable Western Han Dynasty had to endure humiliation and maintain border security through reconciliation in the face of the powerful invasion of the Xiongnu. Emperor Jing passed away