Dugu Baitian, who was originally an ordinary young man in a small town, was determined to seek the true essence of martial arts. However, he was schemed by others and suffered from emotional turmoil, forced to get involved in martial arts disputes. Due to the misunderstanding of the demon's identity by the world, he struggled to survive and gradually awakened his past life memories. He embarked on a path of resistance to heaven, and in the process, he gained the most sincere friendship and the most
Dugu Baitian, who was originally an ordinary young man in a small town, was determined to seek the true essence of martial arts. However, he was schemed by others and suffered from emotional turmoil, forced to get involved in martial arts disputes. Due to the misunderstanding of the demon's identity by the world, he struggled to survive and gradually awakened his past life memories. He embarked on a path of resistance to heaven, and in the process, he gained the most sincere friendship and the most