Cao Pi (played by Li Chen), the ambitious Emperor Wen of Wei, passed away suddenly at the age of forty. His son Cao Rui (played by Liu Huan) ascended to the throne, but due to his mother Zhen Mi, he harbored resentment towards his father, the emperor, and Empress Dowager Guo (played by Tang Yixin). In the imperial court, Cao Zhen and Cao Xiu, who were important ministers entrusted with orphans, tried their best to exclude those who were ordered to return to the capital
Cao Pi (played by Li Chen), the ambitious Emperor Wen of Wei, passed away suddenly at the age of forty. His son Cao Rui (played by Liu Huan) ascended to the throne, but due to his mother Zhen Mi, he harbored resentment towards his father, the emperor, and Empress Dowager Guo (played by Tang Yixin). In the imperial court, Cao Zhen and Cao Xiu, who were important ministers entrusted with orphans, tried their best to exclude those who were ordered to return to the capital