"Hua Jian Ti Hu Fang Chef" is an online drama produced by Xin Sheng Tang Film Company. The drama is adapted from Er Ya's novel of the same name. The new film was released on January 18, 2016 in Beijing. It is a light hearted and lively ancient drama film, starring Lei Mu and Jiang Jiaen. The drama tells the story of Fang Yi, who has excellent culinary skills
"Hua Jian Ti Hu Fang Chef" is an online drama produced by Xin Sheng Tang Film Company. The drama is adapted from Er Ya's novel of the same name. The new film was released on January 18, 2016 in Beijing. It is a light hearted and lively ancient drama film, starring Lei Mu and Jiang Jiaen. The drama tells the story of Fang Yi, who has excellent culinary skills